PVC Tarpaulin Gym Mat Fabric 1000D*1000D 28*26 1050gsm

    • PVC Tarpaulin Gym Mat Fabric is revolutionizing the fitness industry with its remarkable durability and versatility. This fabric is engineered to withstand rigorous use, making it the ideal choice for gym mats that demand resilience against wear and tear. The heavy-duty material ensures that the mats retain their shape and provide consistent support, even in high-traffic areas of fitness centers.

      One of the standout features of PVC Tarpaulin Gym Mat Fabric is its water-resistant properties. This characteristic makes it incredibly easy to clean and maintain, which is essential in environments where hygiene is a priority. Additionally, the fabric’s resistance to mildew and mold contributes to a healthier workout space, preventing the buildup of unwanted microbes.

      Gym owners and fitness enthusiasts alike appreciate the practicality of PVC tarpaulin fabric. Its ability to cushion and protect makes it a top choice for areas where safety is paramount. Moreover, its availability in various colors and textures allows for customization, ensuring that aesthetic preferences are met alongside functional needs.

      In conclusion, PVC Tarpaulin Gym Mat Fabric is not only a practical investment for gyms but also enhances the safety and cleanliness of workout environments, proving its value in the fitness industry.



    • Item Code: SVTGMF10861050
    • Base Fabric: 1000D*1000D 28*26
    • Weight: 1050gsm
    • Width: Max 5 meters
    • Blockout performance
    • Flame Retardant: FR DIN4102 B1, M2, NFPA 701
    • Suitable Temperature: -20℃ to +70℃
    • Package: Paper Tube + Craft Paper

    Item Name

    Item Code


    Base Fabric


    Max Width

    Flame Retardant

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